Don’t miss ‘Girl Rising’ – a revolution!

Girl Rising – created by 10×10, is a groundbreaking feature film and a social action campaign, that uses the power of storytelling and the leverage of strategic partnerships to deliver a single message: educating girls in developing nations will change the world. The film tells the stories of nine extraordinary girls from nine different countries. Each girl’s story was written by a celebrated writer from her native country, and narrated by nine renowned actresses. Despite tremendous obstacles, these brave girls offer hope and inspiration. By getting an education, they’re able to break barriers and create change. The film premiers on March 7… click here for a theatre near you.

Girl Rising emphasizes the importance of Rising Tide Leadership Institute’s mission to develop women leaders by creating inspiration and opportunity for girls and women to discover their best selves, and their full leadership potential. Raya Al Habsi experienced this in both the 2012 and 2013 Sailing Arabia The Tour, with RTLI Ambassador’s Katie Pettibone and Dee Caffari. Raya was interviewed after SATT 2012 by the Dubai Health and Fitness Magazine (click and scroll down to read article), where she declared…

Raya Al Habsi on bow, SATT 2013

Raya Al Habsi on bow, SATT 2013

“Women are not weak – we are strong – and we can do anything we set our minds to!”

One girl at a time.