First Day in Bahrain

First day in BahrainFood poisoning ~ Big Hugs ~ Pleasant Sailing…
Beautiful day here in Manama Bahrain. What a difference a year can make! The unrest from last year is not as present and getting through customs went without a hitch- ok – I did get the eyeball because my profession is attorney, but unlike last year this didn’t get me stuck for hours! It was nice to be travelling with my good friend Liz Baylis, Executive Director of WIMRA, who is joining us on this journey.

The day started off tough as I had food poisoning. Ugh. I powered through it, sipped water, and went down to the boats. No time for being sick. The girls were so excited to see me – lots of hugs and smiles. They couldnt wait to show me how much they had progressed! After a couple of hours of working on the boat, we headed out to tryout the sails, and I let the girls show me what they had. With a light wind and sun covered by clouds , it was pleasant sailing. It was really good – they have really come a long way with their training and awareness of what needs to happen. I have seen how their minds have processed the bigger items from last year, and now are onto the more complex – they are starting to ask more nuanced questions about the order of things, sail trim, weight. It was simply a pleasure to see one of the new members of the women’s omani squad, Raja, take the boat off the dock and put her back. This year our team is racing with 50% Omani ladies compared to last year when we only sailed with 25%. It is a great step forward and already the media is excited. Today I saw a piece in “Time Out Bahrain” magazine with a nice article dedicated to the women’s team. Read article

Ok- early to bed. Been a long day for me with no food and only sipping water…
