On the plane to Bahrain

Katie Pettibone

Katie Pettibone

Little did I know when I came home last March from the Middle East that my experience with the OMAN SAIL women’s sailing team would lead to my returning to Oman this week with a brand new perspective.

Over the past year, we have built structure to our dream of helping women to develop into their full potential. And I’m proud to announce the launch of the Rising Tide Leadership Institute.

Through my own journey, I have learned that my experiences racing on high-performance sailing teams has equipped me for success in leadership in my career. Using sailing as the platform, the RTLI gives us a way to inspire, educate and equip young women to become leaders who excel in the global economy.

I’m excited to reunite with my young, enthusiastic Omani friends as Dee, my fellow elite sailors and I help train and coach Raiya, Insitar and others to higher levels of self-development and leadership excellence.

Come join me in Oman and live our story as it unfolds..
